We are providing certification service based on Telecommunications Business Law and Radio Law.
We provide the conformity testing service for communications equipment based on Telecommunication Business Law and Radio Law.
System Development for Test Measurements
There was the predecessor of J-CRETS (Japanese Convergence Approval Radio Equipment Test System), which is the auto-evaluation test facility developed by DSP Research (officially registered certification body, formally CAB, by MIC under Radio Law) to shorten the examination time for characteristic test for Type approval and Test approval for Technical regulations conformity certification for radio equipment. J-CARETS is the facility not only for characteristic tests items performed by registered certification bodies (formally CAB), but also the advanced version with test items and functions added for quality evaluation and verification for radio equipment.
The system of J-CARETS enables to suit the combination of measurement environment and frequency for tests and evaluation to meet the purpose of users. Also, for customers using the system in minimum configuration and those who are planning the system upgrading, J-CARETS can offer the advanced features of existing system to meet
users’ satisfactory demands.
English Data Base System for Japanese Regulation related Terminal Equipment.